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The flowers in my garden (Part 4/4)


elbuhito1.8 K23 days agoPeakD5 min read

馃尮 Flowers from my garden 馃尮


馃摲 Image edited in Canva

Greetings to everyone in this beautiful and colorful community, today I finally come to bring you the last part of the flowers in my garden with this small but very varied and beautiful collection of flowers. Although I must say that in my garden were appearing other flowers that I will be sharing very soon in an extra post because there were too many to place them in this one, even so, I hope you enjoy it.



The Carnation was one of the first flowers I photographed when I began this journey of exploration through my garden almost a year ago, I did not upload it before because I decided to distribute them in another way in case at some point another Carnation of another variety bloomed. That didn't happen, so finally it was their turn to show off their beautiful wavy petals in this community.





The Clivia was also one of the first flowers I photographed, it's been a year now and now it is again the season in which they bloom and fill the garden with an orange color. When I saw my garden invaded by this beautiful flower, I had the idea of photographing every flower that was found in my house and that is why I left it for the end, as a reminder of the time that has passed since that first photograph and now to see the new Clivias in my park.





When I was about to share the last post, the Myrrh Flower appeared. Behind the grill I saw some small white dots and they turned out to be this beauty of a flower. Without hesitation I photographed them and I'm thankful I didn't upload this post earlier, otherwise, this small but decorative flower would have missed the opportunity to show off here. It wasn't easy to get it in focus because of its tiny size, but I think it turned out pretty well.





The Floribunda is a flower that looks like an orange rose and in fact yes, it belongs to the rose family. It is a small, soft orange flower that decorates the front space of my house, although it only blooms one flower at a time, it is still a star when it begins to open its petals. It bloomed in September and we are already in May, so this flower is also part of the group of the first flowers photographed and again becomes a reminder of all the time I spend.





There are two varieties of Jasmine here, the regular Jasmine and the Star Jasmine, although both look like a star, one of them has more pronounced petals that make it look more like a star. This was the last flower I expected to bloom, I didn't imagine that after this one, even more would bloom than I thought. Its fragrance is impregnated, just by passing by where the plant is, you can already begin to feel its delicious and characteristic perfume.






Marguerites are unmistakable, the most common is the white one, I don't have it, but I have these two that have a very striking color and when the plant begins to fill with this beautiful and decorative flower, they are a delight to behold. It fills with flowers and they are quite resistant, you can be almost all year showing off these flowers, in fact, there are still Marguerites in my garden.






I discovered the Little White Rose by chance one rainy day, I was entering behind the Azarero and I saw a white color that caught my attention, it turned out to be a beautiful and tiny white rose. Once again I was surprised with a flower that I didn't know existed in my garden and I am glad I went there that day since I don't usually do it, I would have missed the opportunity to see something so small and precious.



Thus culminates this colorful and fragrant floral exploration trip to my garden, I consider these posts an exploration because they led me to discover flowers that I didn't even know were in my garden, they were hidden and thanks to this idea of photographing them, I could discover them, although there is still an extra post with other flowers that I will share with you very soon.

Thanks for joining me until the end and don't miss the bonus!


馃摲 Pictures taken by me with my Samsung A03

馃摲 Flower separator created with Photoscape

馃摲 Collage created in Photoscape

鉁忥笍 Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version

鉁忥笍 Letters created with the online letter converter



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